5 steps to create a Brand Statement

5 steps to create a Brand Statement

Businesses without a brand statement are vague and shapeless. They squander their money on aimless advertisements. Brand statement identifies your target audience. Brand statement helps a manager to recruit the right employees and build s strategic team, so it helps organize your human resource.

The definition of Brand Statement

How do you summarize the entirety of your brand’s goals and missions into a few short sentences? Those short sentences are called a brand statement. A proper brand statement gets all your objectives, core values, and visions across to your target audience. This statement may vary over time as the business grows, so brand statement is not necessarily permanent.

Example: to help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

The message must be straight to the point, descriptive, and comprehensive. It can describe a brand name. It also should create an emotional connection with your audience.

Brand statement is comprised of two statements:

mission statement describes what your brand goals are and how to achieve them.

vision statement defines the long-term influence you wish to make in the future.

Steps to create your brand statements

Step1: Do comprehensive research on your competitor's brand statements. Draw inspiration from them.

Step 2: Make a list of your brand goals and the impacts you wish to make on your audience. Think of your long-term goals, as in 2-3 years.

Step 3: Answer these four questions:

*In what ways does the brand add value to its audience?

*What larger impact do you want to achieve by offering this help?

*Are these goals actionable and realistic?

*Can the brand embody this mission in every aspect of the organization?

Step 4: Summarize it.

Gather your answers in the previous steps. Make it as short as you can. Keep it to the point. Add emotion to it. TED’s mission statement is exactly two words: Spread Ideas.

Tip1: your brand statement must be a team's perspective, not a personal worldview. Involve your employees in drafting a brand statement. Gather their feedback and incorporate them into the brand statement.

Tip2: Your brand statement will need to be aligned with your actions. Don't represent any brand goals that don't reflect your business activities. A brand statement must help the brand name be easy to remember.

Step 5: Think like your audience.

To whom is your brand statement talking? Think in the position of your audience. Adjust your words according to them.

Don't underestimate Brand Statement

A well-rounded Brand statement is a value that makes you distinguishable among your competitors to your audience. Take it seriously. As your business grows you may get lost in the wave of new trends. Brand statement saves you from unnecessary expenses, aimless and time-consuming strategies, and contacting audiences that are irrelevant to your business.